1300 Stratford Road, Stratford, CT 06615
P: 203-377-9901   E: info@stjosephsofstratford.org


‘Handing on the Faith’ is this years Penance & Communion preparation programme in our Parish, as this is what you committed to do on the day your child was baptised. The parish is delighted to be working in partnership with the home and school in preparation for the sacraments, always acknowledging that you as parents/guardians are the first and most important teachers of your children in handing on the faith.

As part of the programme those wishing to receive the Sacraments are invited to attend Mass each Sunday in the Parish, with the content being altered to be more child friendly.

On occasion the children attend a ‘Time-Out’ session where they learn about their Church and faith in a fun manner outside the Mass.

As well as attending the Sunday Eucharist those preparing for the Sacraments of penance and Communion receive a magazine ‘ Catekids’ which helps prepare the children and provide them with information about their parish.

Parents who enrol their child/children to receive the Sacraments through the Parish will receive regular texts to update them on all upcoming dates.